
Friday, April 18, 2014

10 Things About Emperor Penguins

Because lists are a thing right now.

1. At nearly 4 ft tall, they are the largest living penguin

2. The March of the Penguins was about them

3. They start breeding in the middle of the Antarctic winter when it's dark and really, really cold (-60 degrees C)

4. They incubate one egg on top of their feet and it eventually hatches out into one of the cutest things on the planet

5. Curious Adélies will sometimes harass the big fluffy chicks

6. Despite the fact that they often walk many miles over ice to get to their breeding colony, they walk really, really slowly

7. Like polar bears, they need sea ice to survive

8. There are no polar bears in Antarctica

9. The book "The Worst Journey in the World" tells the story of 3 looney Brits that almost died trying to collect the first ever Emperor eggs. From this very colony (remember its -60C when they are incubating)!

10. A trumpeting adult is one of the coolest things I have ever heard

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